Upcoming Blueway Events

See You On The Water In 2024
Every year, the paddler community in Baltimore unites for the Floatilla, a 5-mile journey around the harbor that brings awareness to the importance of waterfront recreation. With various activities, such as treasure hunts, rock concerts on the water, and rallies promoting environmental policy, Floatilla presents an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate their support for Baltimore's picturesque waterfront.

Baltimore Blueway Report Announcement
The Baltimore Blueway will promote public access, public health, tourism, art and culture, and environmental stewardship. Bringing it to life will take vision and collaboration.
Join us for the release of the Baltimore Blueway Report detailing proposed improvements to water trails and access points that will make Baltimore Harbor a destination for paddlers worldwide!
For press inquiries, please contact:
Amy Burke Friedman, President - PROFILES, AFriedman@profilespr.com
Help Us Work Towards A Healthy Harbor
Waterfront Partnership's Healthy Harbor Initiative works to restore and protect our city's most valuable asset, the harbor. Through our growing list of projects, programs, and partnerships, the Healthy Harbor Initiative is educating the public about what lives beneath the surface and how we can all fight for the urban ecosystem through actions we take.