Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks

Nowhere else in the Chesapeake Bay can you find such a diverse range of awe-inspiring paddling experiences within a 3-mile radius. We'll be your guide on how to get down to the water on the Baltimore Blueway!

Points of Interest can be found near access points. Landmarks(Waypoints) can be found along Water Trails.

Masonville Cove Trail, Landmark Baltimore Blueway Masonville Cove Trail, Landmark Baltimore Blueway

Masonville Dredged Material Containment Facility

Masonville Dredged Material Containment Facility (DMCF) is a 130-acre facility located on the south bank of the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River designed to help the Maryland Port Administration (MPA) meet its needs for dredged material placement, clean up a blighted area in southeast Baltimore, and enhance the surrounding habitat.

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Masonville Cove Trail, Landmark Baltimore Blueway Masonville Cove Trail, Landmark Baltimore Blueway

Captain Trash Wheel

Captain Trash Wheel is a 40-foot long, trash munching machine charged with the mission of keeping the water of the Patapsco River safe and healthy for humans and wildlife. Captain is also active on social media where they are committed to empowering Marylanders to take action to protect the wildlife, water, and lands in their own communities. Captain is the third trash wheel installed in Baltimore, along with family members and fellow trash-gobbling heroes Mr. Trash Wheel and Professor Trash Wheel.

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